Natural Eye Treating Methods



Prevention is always better than cure. Natural methods for prevention and cure of eye defects recommended here are based on the Bates method of "Better eyesight without glasses". A balanced diet, correct postures,exercise, personal hygiene and fresh air are highly recommended for prevention of eye defects.

The three common faults of vision are: not using peripheral vision, staring (a non-focused, unblinking condition)and not moving the eyes sufficiently in their sockets. All these conditions are there while watching TV. Therefore TV and Video viewing should be restricted to 40 to 50 minutes especially for children. The viewing should be do neat a correct distance (at least 10 feet) and in the correct posture (sitting upright). If these habits are formed in childhood, they can help prevent many problems in the future.

Miraculous cures have been effected by strictly adhering to the programme detailed here. In the hustle and bustle of crowded city life it is not easy to find parks or open spaces for morning walks or
to play outdoor games or do other exercises regularly. Swimming, walking and yogic asanas

Natural Eye Treating Methods
