

Prevention and Precautions
The best treatment is a surgical operation. After surgery, certain precautions are necessary. Do not rub the eyeballs or poke your finger in them. Use of green eye shield, tinted glasses and proper correction of refraction by appropriate lenses bring back good vision. It is better to avoid strong light, smoke and dust. Take simple food with dairy products and green vegetables. Enjoy juicy fruits and soup. Avoid extra sugar or salt. Yoga, pranayama and meditationare helpful. Wash the eyes regularly with triphala lotion. Avoid mental and physical strain. Change of colours and moving lines on the TV screen, cause strain to the eye muscles.


Glaucoma is a serious condition. There is an increased pressure of aqueous humor in the anterior chamber. This can lead to degeneration of the retina and ultimately to blindness. It requires a specialist's care.

Prevention and Precautions
The condition can be improved to a considerable extent by avoiding eye strain and by following general principles of nutrition and yogic exercises.


If conditions like purulent conjunctivitis (opththalmia neonatorum), glaucoma, retinal diseases, corneal ulcers,cataract, trachoma are not taken care of and treated in time, they can lead to loss of vision.

