Useful General Hints


Common Defects

There are some common eye defects like Trichiasis, Trachoma Conjunctivitis, etc. for which treatment has been suggested.
Most of these defects can be got rid of by following the instructions given here. There are some eye defects, however,which need a specialist's attention, like Glaucoma, Cataract, Iritis, Pterygium, etc. Some of these defects can be corrected only by surgery. An eye surgeon should be consulted in the early stages. Almost all diseases can be cured if treated in time. Delay or neglect on the part of the patients renders it difficult for the doctor to effect a complete cure.
Names of common defects are: Squint, trachoma, ocular imbalance blepharit is, spring catarrh progressive myopia.


In this state a few small scattered and distorted eyelashes get turned inwardly and rub on the cornea. Dirty and infected eyelids, and burn injuries lead to trichiasis.

Useful General Hints
