

Yogic and Other Exercises

A lot has been said and written about the miraculous effect of Yoga on the body and mind. Yogic asanas help greatly not only in preventing diseases but in curing them too. There are several yogic exercises which are helpful in keeping the eyes healthy and trouble-free.
Two kinds of yogic exercises are given here. The first set of exercises, like pranayam, surya namaskar, pavan muktasana,jal neti and others can be learnt by following the instructions given here and perfected by regular practice. For the other set of exercises, such as shalabh asana, sarvangasana, matsyasana, bhujangasana, etc., one needs an instructor as doing them the wrong way could lead to other problems.
The efficacy of these exercises cannot be over emphasised. The candle exercise, the pencil exercise, central fixation on the Om chart and the cross chart are equally important and should be done regularly. Regularity is very important for achieving the desired result.
There is a Yogic saying, "tense eyes, tense body, tense mind". It is not enough to try and keep your

